If you send out a newsletter, regularly or irregularly, what is the purpose of it?
There are lots of answers to this:
- To remind people what we do
- To keep people up-to-date with what we’re doing
- To introduce new team members to our list
- To let people know about new products or services
- To tell people what we’ve achieved
- To sell our products or services.
However, I’ll put money on the fact that most recipients of your newsletter don’t value any of those reasons much.
Why not?
They’re all about you – not about the reader.
What does your reader want?
We’re all pretty self-absorbed and when I’m going through my inbox I know I delete anything I don’t perceive to be of value – particularly when I’m busy. I don’t have time to read every newsletter that arrives – or I wouldn’t do much else.
Mostly, I unsubscribe from regular emails that don’t give me anything of value. Those I keep getting either deliver value in every issue or deliver enough occasional value for me to give the headlines a once-over and read the bits that look interesting/useful/applicable to me or my business.
What about you? What do you delete/read/skim?
Now rethink that in relation to what your newsletter delivers to readers. What do they want and how can you deliver that?
Reposition your message
Ideally, when someone gets your newsletter it gives them warm and fuzzy feelings – like they’re getting a gift. So how well do you know your readers and what they want?
What would they find valuable? What can you share that they could actually put into practice and reap results?
The more good stuff you give, the more likely people are to not only choose you when they need your kind of help, but also recommend you to other people.
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