How many times a week do you delete unwanted emails? How often do you find that something you signed up for to get something you wanted has resulted in endless sales messages?
OK! That’s how NOT to do successful email marketing. I guess some people must respond to it, but it’s not you - so clearly that particular company is working on a numbers system, not a targeted approach.
A very long time ago I got involved in selling encyclopaedias door-to-door. Yes. It was before the internet took over our lives and people used books to find things out. Anyway, we had to learn a script - both for the initial doorstep contact and for the presentation when we were invited back later.
Obviously, the doorstep script was designed to get interest so we were invited back. However, for a bet, two of the guys worked either side of a street and knocked on doors with the opening line ‘I’m selling encyclopaedias, do you want some?’
Surprisingly, one of them actually got a ‘yes’ answer - and won the bet. This is the numbers approach - if you send enough emails to enough people, someone will say ‘yes’. However, that usually depends on a massive list.
Content gets engagement
If your list is smaller your emails need to be better - and good enough to engage your reader. You are probably on a few email lists yourself that you like the kind of content you get. It might be entertaining, informative or just feel like the writer is speaking directly to you.
To achieve this you need to know your potential client inside out.
- What problems are they suffering from (that you can fix)?
- What are they worrying about?
- What do they need to do, but never have time for?
- What would help their business grow, but they don’t know how to do it (but you do)?
These are the things that your emails need to address. And your subject line needs to give people an indication of which pain the email will address.
Style is important
Clinical corporate copy doesn’t capture the reader, but conversational copy does.
Write as though you were talking to just one person - imagine you’ve met someone who matches your ideal client profile perfectly and they’ve just expressed frustration about something you could help them with. What would you say to them, without coming on too strong with a sales pitch?
- Empathise with their situation
- Show you understand what they’re going through
- Ask them if they’re tried X or Y so far?
- Outline what life might be like if this problem was solved (benefits)
- Give them an overview of how you could help.
This is the kind of approach your emails need to take.
One is not enough
A single email to your list is not enough. People have all kinds of reasons for not taking action. They may have a busy day on the day your first email arrives and just not have time to read it. Or they may read it and mean to check it out, but forget. You know how it goes.
To overcome this send a series of 3-7 emails over a period of time. My advice would be to address a different pain point in each email (and subject line) to reinforce the message.
Or - if you don’t want to do it yourself, get professional help (TIP: we can help you with this!)
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