Monday, 29 June 2020

What do you want in your inbox?

There was once a time when incoming email was exciting, we couldn’t wait to see what goodies would land - but that time has long gone.  Today you’re probably like most of us - sighing with frustration at the rubbish that lands in your inbox hourly.

However, there are some communications that you’re happy to read.  These usually include:

  • Messages from existing clients telling you they’re pleased with the results they’ve got from whatever you’ve done for them.
  • Emails from potential clients asking you for more information about your goods or services.
  • Messages from networking contacts introducing you to one of their connections who is interested in your services.
  • Confirmation that a proposal you’ve written is going ahead.

How am I doing?  Are you still smiling? Here are some more:

  • An email from a supplier giving you a quote that’s well-within your budget.
  • An invitation to present your business at a group where there are several potential clients in the audience.
  • A thank you from a networking friend for an introduction you’ve made.

These are all good news - and emails we like to get.  Unfortunately, they don’t make up for the massive amount of spam, sales pitches and newsletters from people we don’t remember.

If you’re like me you keep deleting unwanted mail - or sometimes make the effort and unsubscribe.  Occasionally, if you get really irritated, you’ll bother to find out how to block them.  But there are some emails that don’t fall into any of these categories.

  • Educational emails that share great ideas, tips and how-to guides.
  • Entertaining emails that may have some sales content, but are light and fun and make you feel like the sender is talking directly to you (even though you know you’re just one on a list of thousands)
  • Support emails that follow up on something you’ve done and make sure you don’t turn your knowledge into ‘shelf-development’.

These all qualify as automated mass messages, but are good enough that you don’t want to miss out.

Why am I telling you all this - when you probably already know most of it?

Because, if you want to create a successful newsletter, you’ll need to tick one or all of those last three boxes!  If someone has given you their email address and permission to send them messages, you better make sure you meet (or better still, far exceed) their expectations.

Your aim is to be one of those emails that makes them smile, not seethe with frustrations!

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