Monday, 27 April 2020

Style beats a sales pitch

Email marketing is one of those bones of contention.  None of us likes to be sold at, but, if we’re a business owner, we want marketing tools to get our message out. 

My guess is that you unsubscribe from, or simply delete, any incoming emails that are a sales pitch.  Nobody wants an inbox stuffed with promotions and ads for things you don’t want to buy.  You may have bought once, or occasionally, but it seems once you get on an organisation’s list they’re going to promote, promote, promote to you.

Think cosmetics companies, chocolatiers, clothing retailers, DIY stores, food stores - and more.

If you’ve ever signed up for any of the internet marketers free downloads (have you read it yet?), you can guarantee you’re now going to get tons of emails, mostly inviting you to a free webinar where they talk a lot, tell you a few bits and then invite you to spend bucket loads of cash on their ‘Insider programme’.

How do I know this?  Been there, done that, got the T-shirt!  Multiple times.  Some of these lists I unsubscribe from, but a few I stay on and a very, very few I actually love reading.  Why?  Because they deliver value, share lots of information and, even though they may offer a paid option, still give me lots of great free advice.  The best ones also have an extremely personal style.

Develop your personal style

Nobody writes exactly how they speak, but aiming for the same kind of phrasing and language you use when you speak is a good way to create a very personal approach.

If people read your emails and it sounds like you’re talking to them, they’ll start to develop a relationship far beyond that of simply receiving ‘quite useful’ information.

Be human.  Say what you think - but try not to offend anyone - and make observations in the same way you would if you were having a conversation.  Some people find it works to share something of your daily life to help their reader to get to know them.

Probably my two favourites are Kim Roach, who often kicks off her emails with:

‘Howdy, howdy!’

I know she likes coffee, because she talks about it.  Here’s the beginning of one email she sent out:

Over the weekend my wife and I went to our favorite little coffee shop. 

I got a Caramel Latte with almond milk. 

Yummmm :)

While I was enjoying this divine treat, I overheard a guy next to us talking about his business.

I admit.... every time I hear someone talk about biz, I can't help but listen in just a little. 

Guilty pleasure. 

Then she goes on to tell the story.

Another email marketer that I really look forward to hearing from is Nick Stephenson, who is an author coach.  His latest offering kicks off:

As week three of quarantine is about to roll around, and as we are (still) unpacking in the new house, I've begun to embrace my inner manliness - such as it is. 

You see, we've only just moved in to an old farmhouse (moved in about a week before all this kicked off #goodtiming) and, as expected, around 70% of everything doesn't quite work properly. 

This often includes pictures of him and his family - and sometimes a short video.  Then he goes on to give really useful information, sometimes invitations to webinars with him or his associates (and, yes, they do offer paid for courses).  He’s very good at finding everyday situations and translating them into how we can use those as marketing lessons.

Check your values

Whatever you write, make sure that it reflects your values - personal and business.  While I encourage you to be a real person, do review what you publish before pressing the ‘send’ button.  Make sure everything you send is something you’re proud of, not something you’ll later regret.

That doesn’t mean you can’t have strong opinions, but it does mean that you should remember that they’re your opinions and everyone is entitled to their own!

Practise writing like a human being instead of an organisation and you’ll find more people stay subscribed to your list.

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