A picture is worth a 1000 words! But the picture has to be good enough to deliver the right message.
Platforms like Instagram and Pinterest feature images and some people have done very well from these and grown substantial businesses. So what makes a great picture?
- People - we like humans, especially when they’re doing something interesting or are particularly attractive - or unusual in some way.
- Animals - why do you think so many people watch cat videos on Facebook? However to work for your business it must be relevant!
- Intriguing pictures - if there’s a picture that’s a great image, but needs a bit of help to ‘see’ what it really is that often works well. That might be an unusual angle on a piece of equipment or an image that shows a part of something rather than the whole. The secret is in a well-shot image.
- Clarity - the picture needs to be sharp, not too ‘busy’ and look professional.
- Information - presented in pictorial form. This would include infographics, diagrams, charts and graphs - as long as the information is easy to process and they’re not stuffed with too much information.
- Colour - bright colours attract attention - as long as the image isn’t overloaded with colour. A focal point that draws the eye is perfect.
- Words - a quote or statement on a coloured background with a little decoration can be effective.
- Aesthetically pleasing - we like looking at beautiful things so if your image includes something attractive, or is particularly well balanced, it will attract attention. Look at décor images to get ideas of how ‘things’ can work well in particular juxtapositions.
Don’t just dump images into your feed, do some thinking and planning first.
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