Don’t you love spam email? Think of all those special offers, sales pitches, products you don’t need, services you already have (or may even provide yourself) – don’t you love opening them to find out what goodies they contain? No?
Delete, delete, delete!
So when you come to create your own email campaigns are you thinking about:
- What you want to pitch to your list?
- What your list will be genuinely interested in?
Tough one – isn’t it?
You don’t want a pitch, so why would others be interested?
If someone happens to be looking for exactly what you want at the moment the email lands in their inbox, you might make a sale, but that’s a blue moon occasion.
The secret is not to sell anything
That’s a bold statement. Why on earth would you bother creating an email campaign if not to promote your services?
The answer is simple – you need to educate your list of email contacts first.
Let’s turn it around and look at your own inbox. Which emails do you actually read?
- The ones from your clients
- The ones from people enquiring about your services
- The ones from organisations you’re involved with in some way
- The ones from people who write interesting and entertaining material
- The ones from people who deliver massive value
Are you with me here? Interesting, entertaining and valuable – what could you write that ticks those boxes?
Winning by sharing
If you share your knowledge with your email audience you’ll build interest and teach them that opening your emails is worthwhile.
Before you jump in with the question I’m most often asked “Why would I give away all my knowledge for nothing?” Most people like to know how to do things, but rarely actually end up taking action. When they finally admit they need help, guess whose name is top of their list of experts?
So create your email campaigns with conversational advice, tips and information your reader will find helpful – and you’ll build an audience of people who rate you highly as an expert in your field.
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