Using Facebook as a business tool becomes more challenging every day. It’s getting like Google – the algorithms and filters change almost daily.
Even my Facebook expert sighs in exasperation sometimes. “Every time I go on Facebook, something has changed. If I miss a couple of days, I have to go searching for where something has moved to or why posts aren’t performing as usual.”
Facebook for personal use has changed too – the way the posts are filtered and presented is different – and the aggressive monetizing of the platform means that users have to put up with far more advertising and sponsored posts than previously. Even if they’re tailored to my online browsing history that can be irritating, but the fact that I only see material from friends I have responded to recently is even more annoying.
If Facebook is trying to encourage interaction, surely it would make more sense to present users with posts from people they haven’t talked to recently, rather than more from those they have. It’s easy to lose track of all the people you’ve connected to over the past 12 years or so.
However, on the business front, to reach your target audience it seems that the only way to go is to pay for it.
Facebook ads are a very smart tool – and, if you get it right, an affordable source of income, especially if you’re selling direct to the consumer.
Testing, testing
The secret of getting ads right is testing. Facebook ads are set up so you can test different images, different headlines, different content. The ad system is smart too. The more people click on an ad, the more often that ad is presented. Effectively the best performing ads self-select.
Yes, of course clicks cost money – and that may be a case for getting someone who is an expert to create and manage your ads for you. But there are ways to ensure you only pay for clicks that convert.
The pixel you insert on your website that tracks clicks from Facebook that land on your website, just need to be installed on the right page. You may pay more per click, but you’ll be paying per sale, not per curious clicker (or competitor)!
You can use the ads campaigns to:
- Increase the likes on your Page
- Build your permission-based marketing list
- Sell products
- Get people into your sales funnel with a low cost purchase
- Fill webinars (free or paid for)
- Get bums on seats for events
It’s all a case of getting your ad on target and setting up your process well.
If you want help with getting your ad campaign set up, get in touch – it’s one of the things our team can do for you. Call 01245 473296 or email
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