When you start to create marketing material the temptation to fill the available space is strong. You often feel that you need to ensure the reader has ALL the information they could possibly need to make a buying decision.
But, when the tables are turned, do you want to read gobs of information in someone’s marketing flyer?
Unfortunately, the answer is ‘probably not’!
What makes marketing flyers connect with potential customers?
A good headline: One that gets their attention and touches a hot topic for them. While there is a belief that headlines need to be as long as necessary to make their point, be careful. The longer the headline, the fewer people will read it. If you can keep it short and snappy, it will work better.
Benefits: What’s in it for me? Pick out the feature on your service or product that really make a difference to your customers and talk about those differences. One short sentence each – and no more than five points, three would be even better.
Reason to take action: This can be scarcity (only 10 left), immediacy (offer ends on 30th), exclusivity (availability for just two new clients).
CTA: The famous call to action, often mentioned and frequently forgotten! When people have read your marketing flyer what do you want them to do? Email, visit your website, register for something, pick up the phone? Make sure you present them with the information they need to take action.
Some people say ‘call us now’ and then provide a web address. Why should your customer make the effort to visit your website to find your phone number? Don’t make it hard to take action.
A note about web addresses
If your website address is long and you’re putting on hard copy marketing material you might consider buying a shorter domain name and pointing it at your main site. People don’t like typing in long URLs and the potential for typing errors increases with every letter!
The best way to present your message
So many people decide to put their flyer on A4 – because they can create it and print it off themselves. Unfortunately, unless you’re a graphic designer, it’s probably going to be evident that you’re going ‘cheap and cheerful’. That may not be the underlying message you want people to get.
A5 paper flyers are also popular, often 2-sided. There are three challenges here.
- Paper flyers often don’t get turned over, despite the pressure to save the planet, most of us instinctively read the front and forget to look at the other side of printed paper documents.
- Unless you print on fairly heavy paper, double-sided print can often be seen through the paper.
- A5 size doesn’t fit into pockets, bags and gets scrunched up in the bottom of briefcases.
Trifolds (often A4 folded into three) work quite well – as long as you know how people read them and ensure your messages are in the right places. They are not an opportunity to cram loads of material in though!
Personally, I like card rather than paper. It’s less easy to screw up and throw away. I find a DL size works well for handouts – and, for some strange reason, people are more inclined to flip a card over and read the reverse. It also fits easily into pockets and bags.
One of my clients has produced A5 cards along with attractive coloured envelopes and sent them out by post. They look great, even though the message is brief.
If you’re aiming at the top end of the market a glossy gatefold in a less common size – maybe square and bigger than usual – could work well.
Whatever you choose, good quality stationery always makes an impression.
Remember that a marketing flyer needs to work hard so ensure you match a strong message with great presentation.
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