If you’re having a new website created, whether it’s a brand new site or a revamp of your current one, remember what you want it for!
- It’s not for you to show-off your technical wizardry or wealth of knowledge (or at least not primarily)
- It’s not for your web designer to demonstrate their graphic skills
- It’s not for your copywriter to unleash their command of language
- It’s for that mystical creature, your customer.
Is your website user-friendly?
If you are confidently nodding and making affirmative noises, did you actually test it on real customers? If so, then brilliant, you can leave this article and go and read something else.
If you think it’s user-friendly, but haven’t tested it on clients, maybe you should keep reading.
‘Testing’ is not sending people the URL for the new site and asking what they think of it. Most people will tell you it looks lovely!
Usability testing is not just for big corporations, everyone can do something basic. Here’s my quick and dirty test process:
1. Identify the actions that you want the customer to take.
2. FIND OUT what potential customers are most likely to want to know from visiting your website (that means ask some people who fall into your potential customer category what they would want to know/do)
3. Create a series of 5 simple tasks and get some potential clients to try to carry them out and mark them on a simple scale e.g.:
- Really easy
- Fairly easy
- Could have been simpler
- Frustrating
- Failed
Questions might include:
- Find the company phone number
- Find the mailing address
- From the home page what does this company sell?
- Find out the price of [product]
- Find the nearest retail stockist for [product]
- Find two primary services and (how to) book an appointment to discuss these
- Find a service that is relevant to your business and how it would benefit you to use it
- Connect with the business on LinkedIn/Facebook/Twitter
- Find out who runs the company
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