Having a 'sticky' website means that people come to see it - and stay long enough to get your message and take action. If your stats tell you that people bounce off quickly then they're just not getting it. That's not their fault - it's up to you to make it sticky!
Web users aren't know for being patient - we're all in a big hurry with zillions of websites available to look at - so don't make them wait for what they want. A good headline will usually hook people in, providing you've researched your audience well enough to write a headline that will appeal to them.
Web users aren't ready to have to work hard to get the information they want either - and why should they? Don't blind them with whizzy graphics or lots of options or demand that the only way they get the information is to watch your video. Get them focused on one point on the landing page and then lead them to where you want them to go.
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with video content, as long as it's short and the user can easily turn it on and off. However, you should always have the gist of the message in written form too for those people who aren't interested in watching moving pictures, are surfing quietly in their office and don't want to disturb others, or simply don't have sound right now.
Of course, your site needs to be lively, attractive and have a strong message too, but less is definitely more!
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