If you want to really leverage the power of YouTube you need to get your videos to reach as many people as possible. Assuming your videos are full of great and engaging content, let’s look at the other things you can do to get your videos to rank on the first page of YouTube searches.
1: Know what people are looking
If I utter the phrase
‘Search engine optimisation’ you’re probably already groaning. I’m exactly the same. Keyword generation tools are a bit like
disappearing into a black hole; you start with one word and end up with
thousands. However, if you don’t know
what people are searching for, your videos will only get found by accident.
Tools like answerthepublic.com and ubersuggest.com, along
with the Keywords Everywhere plug in for Chrome will help you to get focused.
I particularly like
answerthepublic.com as it gives you all the questions around your core subject
that people ask. You can do one search a
day with the free version, but it does give you lots of information and you can
download the csv file to pore over at your leisure.
Also remember
people don’t search on a word, but usually type a sentence - a key phrase, that’s
what you’ll focus on.
Keywords Everywhere
is a handy little tool that, once installed, pops up information on any search
you do. There is a limited number of free
search data when you first download it, but for $10 you get thousands of sets
of results. This helps you find popular
searches that have zero cost to reduce your competition.
2: Set up a dedicated channel
You can have more
than one channel so make sure that all the videos in each channel are all around
the same subject. Don’t mix your IT
advice up with your diving videos - they’re two completely different subjects
and mixing them just dilutes your efforts to get known as an expert.
Choose a channel name
that reflects the subject of your videos and make it look professional with a
good banner, your headshot or logo and a clear description to help visitors
know what they’ll be getting.
3: Optimise your video file before you upload
Before you upload
your MP4 video to YouTube, make sure you’ve attached your key phrase (that you’ve
researched) to the file properties, wherever you can.
You can’t do this
after you’ve uploaded the file, so make sure it’s done first.
If you’re creating
a thumbnail do the same with this file, so that when you upload the image it’s
reinforcing your key phrase.
4: Stay focused on your key phrase
When you upload
your video, you’ll need to complete all the ‘forms’ to upload it. Wherever it asks for the video title, tags,
description - just put your key phrase. Nothing
It may be tempting
to add more description, but all that will do is muddy the water. Providing your video title is clear and
self-explanatory, you don’t need to add anything else.
If you’ve done all
the steps thoroughly, you can publish your video to the public. When you’ve published it, go and watch it
from end to end, like it, add a comment to promote it, including your video
title (key phrase) in the comment.
Like the comment
when you’ve published it too.
5: Start a mutual appreciation
Now you should be
able to log out of YouTube, search for your video title (which is your key
phrase) and it should appear on the first page of searches - regardless of how
many views it’s had.
However, it’s worth
getting together with other video publishers and forming a mutual appreciation
society. The one I’m involved with
operates on WhatsApp - everyone adds the link to their latest video and all the
members of the group go and watch the video, subscribe to the channel, like the
video, comment on it.
It doesn’t have to
be on WhatsApp, you could do it by email or text, but we find having the chat
all in one place with all the links makes it easy to catch up if you’ve had a
few busy days.
Good luck getting your videos top of the charts!