When you sit down to write a blog you should have an idea of the subject (if you don’t read some of my previous articles, you’ll find lots of advice on dealing with ‘blank screen syndrome’).
However, there’s a big difference between a readable blog and a dry as dust boring one. The challenge for many people is that they’re in ‘business-head’ when they’re writing blogs so they err on the side of formal.
I’m not suggesting you pepper your blog with slang, but neither should it be dotted with industry-speak.
Instead, imagine you are explaining this subject to someone you know personally - maybe your partner or a good friend. You speak differently when you’re in social mode and your language tends to be more relaxed and conversational. That’s the writing style you’re aiming for - as though you’re talking to a friend.
When words don’t flow …
If someone you know and like asks the questions that will get you talking about your products or services how would you respond?
If it’s easier to write your blog as a Q&A session then do that. If all else fails give someone the questions to ask you and record the answers you give - you should have enough material to get you started.
Always think about things from your potential customer’s point-of-view - what do they want to know? Better still, what do you often get asked about?
Are you better at talking?
If you’re better at talking than writing invest in a little smartphone tripod and a mic and film yourself talking. You can load this on your blog - and it’s just as effective as a written version.
You can either do audio or video - although everyone seems to love video these days so, if you can brave being seen, go for the video version. Don’t worry too much about a script - have a few bullets to keep you on track. Reading from a script will come over very wooden - unless you’ve been taught how to do this effectively.
If you really can’t bear to be seen on film what about a slide show with you providing voice-over. This is another way to produce video content.
Remember you need to be focused on ‘What’s in it for me?’ as far as your audience is concerned. Your product or service may be 5-star, but how does that translate into benefits for your customers?
Be creative about how you get your message across.