As I teach people how to make LinkedIn into a lead generator I'm often surprised to find people who are selling business-to-business (B2B) who are Facebook fanatics, but don't 'get' LinkedIn at all.
I also find people who are selling direct to consumers who don't have a Facebook Page, sell via their Facebook personal account (tsk, tsk) and have been told they should be on LinkedIn.
So those social media-mad people may not necessarily be operating in the right place - and those cynics who don't see the point have probably had some negative experience (or 'heard something') that has made them feel social media is useless as a marketing tool.
People on Facebook tend to be in social mindset - they do buy stuff, but it tends to be gifts, crafts, personal stuff, handbags, shoes, cakes, jewellry, etc. It doesn't mean people don't buy business things on Facebook, but it's much harder to make sales.
On LinkedIn people are in their business head space. They see it as a business platform and are expecting other business people to connect with them.
Of course there are other platforms - Twitter (joining up the dots), Pinterest and Instagram (image based messages) and literally dozens of lesser platforms fighting for supremacy. You might find the perfect platform for your business among them - but first read on.
Here's my take on it - there are some critical elements that are frequently ignored when people set out to market their businesses.
- They don't mind where their business comes from as long as the customer is prepared to pay - which means that their marketing approach tends to be an 'I'll do anything for anybody' kind of message. This might work when you're turning a hobby into a business, but it isn't going to work long term.
- They haven't really thought through who would make a really good client or customer - not just once, but over and over.
- They haven't examined their current and previous customer base to see what they particularly liked about what was delivered.
- They don't really know what problems their product or service solves for their customers.
- They think that the more activity they engage in the more business will come from it.
There are seeds of truth in all of these, but some refinement is needed. Here are some steps that - if you follow them - I guarantee they will make a substantial (and positive) difference to the business you're in.
Firstly, be clear about who makes the very best client for you. What kind of business are they in? What personality type are they? What size of business do they have? Who are their customers? How many staff work in the business?
Secondly, understand their problems. What bugs them, frustrates them and keeps them awake at night.
Next, ask your existing clients why they buy your services/products and not someone else's. What is it that they like about what you do? What results have they had - preferably in measurable terms?
Number four - if you've ever had someone turn down your services/products what reason do they give? What would your best customer tell them about why this isn't a good reason to say 'No'?
By now you should have a pretty good idea of what your client base looks like. Now the next steps.
Number five - where do you find groups of these people? Are they active on a particular type of Facebook Page? Are they active on Twitter? Do they hang out on LinkedIn and contribute to some of the business forums there?
Number six - what do these people read? Industry journals, specialist magazines, online news feeds, blogs, etc?
Now it's time for action. Social media does work - if you're on the right platform and talking to the right people. Head for the places these people hang out and impress the socks off them!
By that I mean you need to hit the four hot buttons:
- Reputation: make sure you have a first class reputation with evidence to back it up
- Authority: develop a reputation as an authority in your industry - a thought leader
- Visibility: be visible - post regularly, ideally more than once a day
- Expertise: share your knowledge by helping people in groups and posting valuable material.
The result should be lots of connections who RAVE about you and a steady flow of new customers who are a perfect fit!