Monday, 27 April 2015

Diary of an online marketer

People ask me how I get time to do so much online posting so I thought I'd share my secrets.  This is a fairly typical week.

It's Monday morning and my first job is to post the week's social media.  As I have already created about three months posts (that I recycle) all I have to do is to change the dates and post them in batches.

I use Hootsuite to schedule my posts, with a Pro account; it's one of the few things I actually pay for as it saves me hours in time and ensures I don't forget to post!  I have a number of batches to update:

My Follow Friday (#ff) on Twitter for the week.  I add new batches as I find people I want to recommend - definitely my clients, but also lots of other great people that offer fantastic services.  My strategy is to have ONE post per person and say why people should follow them; e.g.

#ff for networking connections @NetworkerGlenys - she knows EVERYBODY!

My tips that I post into my Twitter, Facebook Page, Google+ company page and my LinkedIn personal account.  These are hints and advice on a variety of subjects around my expertise with a link takes readers to a blog that is about this subject. e.g.

#onlinefonts: Don't use fancy fonts, they're hard on the eyes and don't always appear as you planned.

Every two or three weeks I update my Free Stuff (Twitter, Facebook Page, Google+ and LinkedIn personal account) and Success Strategies (Twitter, Facebook Page, Google+ and LinkedIn company page) that run alternate days.

This sounds like a lot, but with the right formula I can upload all these in about 5 minutes.

Next job is to write two blogs for various blog sites I post to.

I write weekly for Birds on the Blog and, although it doesn't go out until Thursday, I try to get this done on Monday morning so it's done, posted and scheduled.  I also write for my website once a fortnight alternating with this blog and a LinkedIn post on the in between weeks.  If I have time and something I want to get off my chest then I may write more often, but that's the minimum.

When it gets to about 4.30pm and my brain needs a break I go and read my LinkedIn updates and see who has been in contact, answer messages and take a look at the groups where I'm active.

It sounds like a lot, but actually is less than two hours including writing the blogs and finding good images to accompany them.

I try to keep Monday for marketing activity so, if I'm planning a series of LinkedIn webinars or a workshop or want to promote something (like my book The Reputation Game), I will add in writing the email marketing, blogs and promotional material here too.  That's additional time to my regular marketing, but easily fits into this day.

That's Monday done!

Tuesday morning I do my email and then look at any LinkedIn messages or contact requests and my Twitter feed.  I take a quick scan down the mentions feed (I use Hootsuite so I can see specific groups of posts) and comment or respond where necessary.  I look at the home feed and comment on anything that catches my interest, read interesting blogs and join in conversations that interest me.  I look at my Clients list and retweet their posts randomly.  This takes me no more than 15 minutes and I try to do this daily.

Tuesday afternoon, when I need a break, I take a look at my Facebook Page (and my personal account home feed) and comment, share, like, etc.  I often look at some of the other pages I follow to catch up as Facebook only puts a small percentage of what people post in the home feed of those who have liked the page.  I probably don't spend more than 15-20 minutes on this, if that.

Wednesday is pretty much the same as Tuesday.  Although I try to check into a couple of groups on LinkedIn at some point and see if there's anything I can comment on or help people with.  I also see if my searches have shown any new potential contacts to open conversations with.

Thursday I'm often out at a networking breakfast so I don't always have time to look at my Twitter feed first thing, it tends to be a lunchtime activity, whilst I try to keep the crumbs out of my keyboard!  Again, I check my Facebook connections and Pages and respond to any LinkedIn messages and contact requests.

Friday is another networking breakfast day so tends to be pretty much like Thursday, although I usually spend more time on Friday afternoon in LinkedIn groups seeing what's going on and talking to other members.

The weekend: Whilst I try not to work at the weekend, I do tend to sit down in front of the computer at some stage to catch up on my email.  I usually take a look at Hootsuite too and check my Twitter feed and my Facebook Page and LinkedIn accounts for any comments that need my attention.  I know a lot of people do social media at the weekend so it makes sense to keep an eye on it.

If I'm doing additional marketing then I will add in loading email campaigns and extra blogs alongside other regular activity.  I think the easiest way to get a new habit established is to link it to an existing one - that's why I started doing my Twitter check right after doing my email inbox, it made it easier to remember!

I also schedule these activities into my diary so that I don't overlook them.  It makes consistency so much easier!

Give it a try - you might be surprised at how much you can get done in just a few minutes a day.