When you've put the effort into writing a blog it's madness to just post it on your website and then maybe send a couple of tweets out when it can work so much harder for you.
Here's what you need
- A blog facility on your website (or on a blogging platform like this)
- A Twitter account
- A Facebook Page
- A LinkedIn account (optimised)
- A Hootsuite account (if you really want to save time it's worth investing US$9.99 a month in a Pro account)
- A MailChimp account
Here's how it works
Step 1:
Write a blog of around 300-500 words on a subject you're an expert on and share your knowledge. Extract 3-7 soundbites from the blog
Step 2:
Post the soundbites - with the blog URL to your Twitter, Facebook Page and LinkedIn account using Hootsuite (to save time and effort). Spread them out over the course of a day or two.
Repost these every 2-4 weeks to keep traffic coming to your blog and website
Step 3:
Once a month take the best blog and create a newsletter in MailChimp. Add titles and links for other blogs posted during the month and add your offer, promotions, etc to the end. Email it to your list.
Step 3½:
Use the MailChimp sign up form on your website or blog to gather more people onto your list.
Because you're adding massive value by sharing your expertise people will appreciate your blogs, posts and newsletters and your list and reputation will grow.