Monday, 18 March 2013

Who inspires you?

If you want to help people it's important to share your thoughts, knowledge and skills.  However, sometimes it's hard to feel inspired when you sit down to write.

I like Sarah Arrow's blog where she quotes Peter DeVries 'I only write when I'm inspired, and I make sure I'm inspired every morning at 9am'.  What inspires you?  Do you know?

In today's busy world many of us simply don't have time to think.  We process information, make decisions, analyse situations, but don't stop to think creatively.

A great place to start is to find blogs that you really like to read regularly.  My personal favourites are Seth Godin, Dinah Liversidge and Michel Fortin, just because they give me food for thought and start me thinking in a different way to my normal logical left-brain approach.

But it doesn't have to be a blog, it could be a YouTube video, an AudioBoo recording, a piece of music or - dare I suggest it - a real book!  A friend of mine used to say "I need to read something motivational every morning for about 20 minutes to have a really good day."  Her take on motivational included people like Zig Ziglar and Morris Goodman.  I know other people who swear by Tony Robbins, Tom Peters and Joe Vitale; everyone has their favourite stimuli.

If this is something you haven't discovered yet, the secret is to find the people who resonate with you and explore their thoughts regularly.  You'll find it triggers ideas, your own spin on things and gets those creative juices flowing.  When you start to see things from a different perspective your own creativity will blossom.

Don't ever underestimate the value of just sitting and thinking - or even daydreaming - it will power your progress and performance!