Monday, 25 February 2013

Don't be a one-way street!

If you're using social media for marketing then you should be:

  • Creating and publishing content that has value for your readers - e.g. hints, tips, advice
  • Encouraging people to visit your website by giving them a reason to go there - e.g. interesting content, useful information
  • Telling people what they could achieve with a little help (subtle promotion) - teaser posts that dangle a possibility.

If you've been mentally adding a satisfying tick to each of these, then what about these activities?

  • Retweeting or sharing posts from other people that you find interesting or of value.
  • Commenting on other people's posts to add value.
  • Promoting other people's blogs that you've liked.
  • Getting into conversation about something that interests you.
  • Demonstrating you're human!
Of course, the first batch of activities require a little effort to create the content, but then this can be reused and posted automatically using a scheduling tool (like Hootsuite).  The second list requires you to be active in real time and to make the effort to read content, posts and blogs and comment or respond in some way.

If you're wailing "I'm too busy"; you are telling me that you're too busy to market your business.  This is all part of your marketing activity and need not take more than 10 minutes a day.  The problem is that, if you only send information out and don't interact, people can get fed-up with trying to communicate with a 'Broadcast system'.

Most businesses are built on relationships and you can't have a relationship with an automated system.  It doesn't mean you shouldn't use one; it does mean you shouldn't ONLY use it.  Start building your relationships and people will not only connect, but, in time will also recommend and refer.